Facing Anxiety and Depression with the Enneagram, feat. Scott Sauls (Enneagram 3) [S02-037]
Often when we approach the Enneagram we tend to think that everybody can fit neatly into one category. But the Enneagram is more like a color wheel than it is a set of boxes around a circle. There are shades as you go around the spectrum. Each of us is different than the people around us. So, the more we come to know ourselves, to accept our own uniqueness and brokenness, the more we can begin to understand others.
In fact, each Enneagram type can actually help balance each other. And when we learn to speak into each other’s lives with a scalpel rather than a dagger, with the posture of gentleness, we can even correct each other’s excesses in a way that’s whole-making.
In today’s episode, senior pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church, Scott Sauls, discusses the role the Enneagram has played through his seasons of anxiety and depression, and how others have helped keep him in balance.
Scott Sauls serves as senior pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church, a multi-site church in Nashville, Tennessee (christpres.org) and is husband to Patti and dad to Abby and Ellie. Prior to Nashville, Scott was a lead and preaching pastor at New York City’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church, planted churches in Kansas City and St. Louis, and taught preaching at Covenant Theological Seminary. Formative experiences have included growing up as an athlete and suffering through a season of anxiety and depression. Scott writes weekly at scottsauls.com, can be found on Facebook or Twitter/Instagram as @scottsauls, and has written four books: Jesus Outside the Lines, Befriend, From Weakness to Strength, and his latest, Irresistible Faith.
“We don’t really know what our character, or even what our personality is fully, when we’re in the peaks. Right? It’s just the valley where we’re sort of stripped down to the essentials of what we know we ought to be and, by virtue of that, we’re coming to know in the valley what we’re not. ”